Update your preferences

As of 30th November 2023, W M Couper Ltd (trading as Coupers Hyundai) has sold its St Albans dealership to Brayleys Cars Ltd.

As per W M Couper Ltd privacy policy, the data we hold for St Albans which includes your personal data has been transferred to Brayleys Cars Ltd to continue the provision of products and services to you. Your data has been processed fairly and lawfully in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 for the sole purpose of continuing to provide a service to you.

You can update your communication preferences by adding your contact details below and opting into or out of a type of communication, like SMS or email. If you wish to opt out of all communications or remove your details, you can also do this below.

Please provide your full details to ensure that we can quickly and accurately locate and update your record. Your details will only be used in accordance with the preferences that you select below.

Please allow 30 working days for your preferences to be updated and take effect.

Details of how we use your data is outlined in our Privacy Policy