West Way’s Big Football Match
08 May 2018

West Way’s Big Football Match

It’s approaching that time of the year again…warm sunny days, long summer nights and also the end o...
It’s approaching that time of the year again…warm sunny days, long summer nights and also the end of the football season. But there is no better way to end the season than the West Way - way. Make a note of the date because this an event you don’t want to miss. For the 4th year now, West Way will be holding a football event at Manchester City Football Club CFA.Football stadium We’re hoping to gather a group of 50, made from members of staff, suppliers and customers. Food and drinks will be provided guaranteeing to put the fun in FUNdraiser. As always, this event will be raising money for very deserving causes, and this year will be no different. The West Way family was saddened to hear the passing of two members of staff– Jack Curruthers and Brendan Foy – so some of the money raised will be going to their families and charities associated with them. Jack Curruthers was a very popular sales manager at our Manchester dealership and Brendan Foy was an extremely accomplished accounts assistant. Some of the money raised will also be going to Chris Mills and his family. Chris Mills suffered a major stroke last July at the age of 28. The stroke sadly caused damage to his spinal cord, which has rendered him paralysed from the neck down and unable to breath without a ventilator. We will also be sponsoring a local junior football team called AFC Bolton Girls U9’s and a portion of the money raised will be going towards getting them a set of shirts. So, put on your football boots, score some goals, raise some money and have a fun evening, all for a good cause.