28 April 2020
Top tips for looking after your Nissan during lockdown
While you may be driving your Nissan much less than normal due to the Government guidance to stay at home, it’s still important that you look after your Nissan during this period, to ensure that it is safe and in good condition for the times when you do need to make an essential trip.
While you may be driving your Nissan much less than normal due to the Government guidance to stay at home, it’s still important that you look after your Nissan during this period, to ensure that it is safe and in good condition for the times when you do need to make an essential trip.
The Government may have extended MOTs by six months, but you still have a responsibility to make sure your car is in a safe and roadworthy condition.
Below are our top tips to looking after your Nissan during lockdown.
But please make sure that you don’t go against any of the social distancing rules or make an unnecessary journey.
If your car is parked on the road, you may want to consider disconnecting the battery altogether.
Another option is to start your vehicle once a week and let it run for about 15 minutes to charge the battery. Make sure your stay in the vehicle during this time. Don’t turn it on and off again quickly as this will drain the battery much quicker. When you run your vehicle, turn on the air con as this will help maintain the seals and reduce the risk of mould developing in the system.
Disconnect dashcams and any other tech that you may have connected to your vehicle as this can speed up your battery getting drained. Check nothing is left running in your vehicle such as radio, lights or air-con and heating.
If your Nissan has been stationary for a few days or weeks, you may experience some slight vibrations for the first few miles of driving. This is normal and should disappear as your tyres warm up and regain their usual shape.
To prevent this from happening, roll your car back and forth a few metres if it safe to do so. This will also prevent flat spots from forming your tyres. It will also reduce the risk of your handbrake seizing.
It is also worth making sure your fuel tank is full to reduce condensation in the tank. This is less likely to occur if your tank is full. A full tank will reduce the need to make visits to the fuel station – but don’t make a special trip just to fill up. Bundle a visit to the fuel station when you are doing your grocery shop for example.
We hope this helps but if you have any concerns about the condition of your Nissan, please call 0121 752 3523 to speak to our Customer Service team.
Stay Home. Stay Safe.
The Government may have extended MOTs by six months, but you still have a responsibility to make sure your car is in a safe and roadworthy condition.
Below are our top tips to looking after your Nissan during lockdown.
But please make sure that you don’t go against any of the social distancing rules or make an unnecessary journey.
Prevent a flat battery
Invest in a trickle charger – this is a vehicle battery charger which slowly adds the charge to the battery, making sure it doesn’t deplete whilst idle. These can be picked up for around £20 - £30 online. However, your vehicle will need to be close to an electricity source to be able to use it.If your car is parked on the road, you may want to consider disconnecting the battery altogether.
Another option is to start your vehicle once a week and let it run for about 15 minutes to charge the battery. Make sure your stay in the vehicle during this time. Don’t turn it on and off again quickly as this will drain the battery much quicker. When you run your vehicle, turn on the air con as this will help maintain the seals and reduce the risk of mould developing in the system.
Disconnect dashcams and any other tech that you may have connected to your vehicle as this can speed up your battery getting drained. Check nothing is left running in your vehicle such as radio, lights or air-con and heating.
Prevent flat spots on your tyres
Increase your tyre pressure by 3 psi – making sure that you stay within the tyre’s safe maximum pressure. This will help the tyre hold its shape whilst it's stationary.If your Nissan has been stationary for a few days or weeks, you may experience some slight vibrations for the first few miles of driving. This is normal and should disappear as your tyres warm up and regain their usual shape.
Prevent your brakes from seizing
It’s not uncommon for a vehicle’s brake to seize if it is been idle for an extended period of time – especially if it has been parked outside. The brake discs can rust meaning that the pads can become stuck.To prevent this from happening, roll your car back and forth a few metres if it safe to do so. This will also prevent flat spots from forming your tyres. It will also reduce the risk of your handbrake seizing.
Make sure your fluids are topped up
Check fluid levels such as oil, engine coolant, brake fluid and screen-wash to ensure they’re at least at minimum recommended levels so that you are ready for your journey.It is also worth making sure your fuel tank is full to reduce condensation in the tank. This is less likely to occur if your tank is full. A full tank will reduce the need to make visits to the fuel station – but don’t make a special trip just to fill up. Bundle a visit to the fuel station when you are doing your grocery shop for example.
We hope this helps but if you have any concerns about the condition of your Nissan, please call 0121 752 3523 to speak to our Customer Service team.
Stay Home. Stay Safe.