16 January 2018
Taking the new driving test
Read all about the latest changes to the driving test.
It’s been over a month since the introduction and implementation of the new driving test, which has promised to be more comparable to real driving conditions, and ‘designed to make sure new drivers have the skills they’ll need to help them through a lifetime of safe driving.’ However, despite the reassurances of the DVSA (Drivers and Vehicles Standards Agency), having your driving test is one of the most stressful and nerve-wracking experiences one will experience. Add a pinch of uncertainty and suddenly the new test seems that little bit more daunting. But as said, a month has passed, any kinks in the new test have been ironed out, and driving instructors and examiners are certainly getting into the flow of how the new test works. I recently took the new drivingtest, and was actually pleasantly surprised how easy and adaptable it was, it was nowhere near as hard as the newspapers had been making it out to be.
Before you head on over to the testcentre make sure you have got everything you need:
Alongside the independent driving side of thetest you also have to be able to perform amanoeuvre. You will have been taught how to do these by your driving instructors and will have had some experience with thesemanoeuvres when you have been driving with family. Themanoeuvres are:
Test – Day
It’s always important to remember that the driving examiner wants you to pass almost as much as you yourself wants to pass, he’s just there to make sure you don’t do anything that is potentially dangerous to yourself or other road users. Plus, you are allowed to make 15 minor mistakes, which is pretty generous. If you make more than that can you honestly say that you are safe to drive on the roads by yourself?
- photo card driving license,
- your theory test pass certificate,
- a car! If using your own car rather than your driving instructors, make sure the insurance allows driving tests to be conducted in the car,
- 2 'L-plates'
- a spare rear view mirror for the examiner.
Show-Me, Tell-Me
The new driving test consists of a show me and a tell mequestion, these are pretty simple and a quick read through the DVSA website will tell you what questions to expect, so have a look through and make sure you can do them. After all, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Thetell-me questions may sound a bit more intimidating but remember you only need to tell the driving instructor what to do, not actually do it. So, a quick look in the car manual should tell you where to find the reservoirs under the bonnet or even the symbol for what they are. The show me questions are very simple and are merely just the driving examiner checking that you know how to operate the features in the car you are driving, i.e. can you wash the windscreen and open your window, worse comes to worse and you don’t know your front demister from your rear demister, then the driving instructor will ask you to pull over and show you. You will get a minor for this but it is only 1 out of 15. Nothing to stress about here.Off you go
Many of us are used to driving with a Satnav, whether it is built into the car or a portable one which plugs into the car. The new driving test incorporates the usage of Satnavs in the independent driving section of the test, but instead of getting directions from the examiner you get them from the Satnav. Plus, if you go the wrong direction it really doesn’t matter, if you’re asked to take the 1st exit at a roundabout but take the 3rd, nothing will happen, the Satnav will re-route, the test will continue, and you won’t even get a minor, unless you do something dangerous but that’s a given. It’s called independent driving for a reason, to see how you handle things on your own. The independent driving section of the driving test accounts for around 20 minutes out of the 40 minutes test, and can start at any point during the test.
- parallel park,
- drive into a parking bay and reverse out (just like you would at a car-park) or visa-versa,
- and the most controversial manoeuvre, pull up on the opposite side of the road and reverse two car lengths.