24 June 2022
Small fixes to avoid BIG fines
Did you know small and simple issues with your vehicle could land you with a potentially HUGE fine and points on your licence? Tyres, lights and mirrors could all be reasons to gain a penalty.
Some small and minor maintenance checks on your vehicle could save your THOUSANDS of pounds and prevent you from getting points on your licence. Here's a guide to some problems you can check and fix at a small cost.
Check your tyres
If your tyres are too worn you could face a £2,500 fine PER TYRE, as well as 3 points against your licence - per tyre.
The minimum tread depth for your cars tyres is 1.6MM - if it is any less than this you could be in trouble. If you're unsure how to test the tread depth - do the 20p test. Insert the coin into the groove of the tyre, if you are unable to see the outerband of the coin - your tyres are legal.
The only way to fix this issue is to replace whichever tyres have a tread that is too low. You are fine to use second-hand tyres, as long as their tread depth is legal - this would be the cheapest fix.
You also need to ensure the tyre pressure is correct. If your tyre pressure is deemed illegal you could get up to £2500 per tyre - or even 3 points per tyre - or both. The issue with under inflated tyres is that they are not as responsive or useful as tyres with the correct pressure, which is dangerous. Alternatively, tyres that are over inflated do not have a great grip on the road, which can make it difficult for a car to slow down.
Overinflated tyres can also cause a blow out, which can happen without any warning and can make controlling your car extremely difficult.
Most petrol stations now have tyre pressure tools - so you can not only check your pressure, but also inflate or deflate the tyre accordingly.
Check your windscreen & wipers
This may seem like a very minor issue - but it still comes with a huge penalty. The Department For Transport have said that your wipers 'must be properly adjusted and maintained in efficient working order'.
You could again receive a fine of up to £2,500, OR 3 penalty points for this offence. If you think your wipers aren't clearing your windscreen as they should, you need to have them replaced. If you take your car to your local garage, they will be able to order and fit some appropriate wipers.
Following on from this - you should also check on your washer fluid under the bonnet and ensure it is at an appropriate level. Within section 344 of the Road Vehicle Regulations 1986, it says that your wipers and washer should be able to clean at all times. This ensures that you have a clear view of the road to reduce the chances of accidents.
This issue could land you with a smaller fine of £100 or even 3 penalty points.
To fix this is very simple. Look under your bonnet, locate the washer reservoir, unscrew the cap and top it up.
If you have any damage on your windscreen - you may want to get these sorted as soon as possible. Chips, cracks or scratches can be seriously dangerous as they can lead to glare and dazzle that can restrict your view of the road.
This offence can lead to a £2,500 fine or 3 penalty points.
Book in with your local glass repairer - this may be included with a warranty or your insurance. The sooner you fix these issues - the better.
Check your mirrors
Your wing mirrors are one of the most important tools you'll use whilst driving and they have a pivotal role in keeping our roads safe. They allow us to see others who are around us, and gives us an idea of their postion in relation to us.
If your wing mirrors are broken - this impairs your vision and you can not safely see around your vehicle. You could face another £2500 or 3 points for this.
If the mirror is just loose, this can sometimes just be popped into place, but for smashed or crashed mirrors, you will need to visit your local garage.
Check your registration plates
Driving around with an illegal licence plate can land you with a £1000 fine. Before every journey, ensure your licence plate is clear and can be seen clearly. Cracks in the plate or mud or snow covering it will land you with a fine.
If your plate is simply covered by something, all you have to do is clear it away to ensure it is visible.
If the registration is damaged, you will have to purchase another plate to replace it.
Check your tyres
If your tyres are too worn you could face a £2,500 fine PER TYRE, as well as 3 points against your licence - per tyre.
The minimum tread depth for your cars tyres is 1.6MM - if it is any less than this you could be in trouble. If you're unsure how to test the tread depth - do the 20p test. Insert the coin into the groove of the tyre, if you are unable to see the outerband of the coin - your tyres are legal.
The only way to fix this issue is to replace whichever tyres have a tread that is too low. You are fine to use second-hand tyres, as long as their tread depth is legal - this would be the cheapest fix.
You also need to ensure the tyre pressure is correct. If your tyre pressure is deemed illegal you could get up to £2500 per tyre - or even 3 points per tyre - or both. The issue with under inflated tyres is that they are not as responsive or useful as tyres with the correct pressure, which is dangerous. Alternatively, tyres that are over inflated do not have a great grip on the road, which can make it difficult for a car to slow down.
Overinflated tyres can also cause a blow out, which can happen without any warning and can make controlling your car extremely difficult.
Most petrol stations now have tyre pressure tools - so you can not only check your pressure, but also inflate or deflate the tyre accordingly.
Check your windscreen & wipers
This may seem like a very minor issue - but it still comes with a huge penalty. The Department For Transport have said that your wipers 'must be properly adjusted and maintained in efficient working order'.
You could again receive a fine of up to £2,500, OR 3 penalty points for this offence. If you think your wipers aren't clearing your windscreen as they should, you need to have them replaced. If you take your car to your local garage, they will be able to order and fit some appropriate wipers.
Following on from this - you should also check on your washer fluid under the bonnet and ensure it is at an appropriate level. Within section 344 of the Road Vehicle Regulations 1986, it says that your wipers and washer should be able to clean at all times. This ensures that you have a clear view of the road to reduce the chances of accidents.
This issue could land you with a smaller fine of £100 or even 3 penalty points.
To fix this is very simple. Look under your bonnet, locate the washer reservoir, unscrew the cap and top it up.
If you have any damage on your windscreen - you may want to get these sorted as soon as possible. Chips, cracks or scratches can be seriously dangerous as they can lead to glare and dazzle that can restrict your view of the road.
This offence can lead to a £2,500 fine or 3 penalty points.
Book in with your local glass repairer - this may be included with a warranty or your insurance. The sooner you fix these issues - the better.
Check your mirrors
Your wing mirrors are one of the most important tools you'll use whilst driving and they have a pivotal role in keeping our roads safe. They allow us to see others who are around us, and gives us an idea of their postion in relation to us.
If your wing mirrors are broken - this impairs your vision and you can not safely see around your vehicle. You could face another £2500 or 3 points for this.
If the mirror is just loose, this can sometimes just be popped into place, but for smashed or crashed mirrors, you will need to visit your local garage.
Check your registration plates
Driving around with an illegal licence plate can land you with a £1000 fine. Before every journey, ensure your licence plate is clear and can be seen clearly. Cracks in the plate or mud or snow covering it will land you with a fine.
If your plate is simply covered by something, all you have to do is clear it away to ensure it is visible.
If the registration is damaged, you will have to purchase another plate to replace it.