Sepsis - The Silent Killer
09 March 2018

Sepsis - The Silent Killer

Sepsis. This conjures in most people’s mind the term blood poisoning. Like much of the English lang...
Sepsis. This conjures in most people’s mind the term blood poisoning. Like much of the English language, we can trace its roots back to Greek, where the term Sepsin means ‘poison in putrid blood.’ So, thinking of blood poisoning and sepsis is understandable, the only difference between the terms is that sepsis is the medical term and blood-poisoning is layman’s term for it. UK-Sepsis-Trust-Logo Sepsis is a life-threatening complication and that’s the important bit, sepsis is FATAL if not treated. Sepsis is when your body reacts to an infection in your body in an extreme manner. This is when your immune system responds to the infection while also causing damage to your body. Sepsis can affect all organs in your body, by spreading from an initial infection site. The most common cause of sepsis is bacterial infections, in particular in locations affecting respiratory (breathing) and your urinary tract. Sepsis can also be caused by viral and fungal infections, but it is rarer. It doesn’t take much, you don’t have to have had major surgery to be at risk, sometimes it can be a small cut or graze, or even a chest infection or cold. It’s imperative we raise awareness of sepsis because of how easily it can occur. Sepsis is responsible for more deaths in the UK, than bowel cancer, breast cancer or prostate cancer. Correction, sepsis is responsible for more deaths than bowel cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer combined. This is how serious sepsis is. In the UK, sepsis is responsible for about 44,00 deaths annually. The important thing to remember about sepsis is that it can be treatable,  and doesn’t have to be a death sentence. TIME is the most important asset you have when it comes to fighting sepsis. For patients with septic shock, the most severe form of sepsis, there is an 8% increase in mortality for every hour of delay in antibiotic administration. Sepsis if left untreated can progress to severe sepsis which has a mortality rate of 30% and septic shock which has a mortality rate of 50%. When I say time is your biggest saviour, it is truly meant. HOW DO YOU SPOT SEPSIS? Slurred speech or confusion Extreme shivering or muscle pain Passing no urine (in a day) Severe breathlessness It feels like you’re going to die Skin mottled or discoloured The key thing to remember is if you think you or someone you know may have sepsis, because they have already had an infection go to the hospital. Just Ask: Could it be sepsis? West Way like other companies and organisations are aware of the dangers that sepsis pose, which is why we are teaming up with UK Sepsis Trust to help raise awareness of sepsis so that we can reduce its fatality rate. To find out more, visit the UK Sepsis Trust website at: