RE:ACT Disaster Response Team Thank West Way
RE:ACT Disaster Response are a UK-based international charity. They combine a military approach with humanitarian action to aid the hardest to reach & most vulnerable people. Their volunteers come from all backgrounds. Most are military veterans, some from the emergency services and others simply people with a desire to make a difference.
At the beginning of the pandemic in March, RE:ACT deployed a number of liaison officers around the UK to develop situational awareness and identify unmet needs. West Way loaned two Navara’s to the cause to help the team with their efforts. One Navara was used by Response Operations Manager, Paul Taylor. Paul has travelled all over England, Scotland and Wales supporting important tasks such as working as a mortuary technician and setting up food distribution tasks.
Paul Taylor said: ‘We are eternally grateful for West Ways support during this response. Humanitarianism only succeeds when people pull together and providing us with these vehicles allowed us to support those affected by COVID-19. Thank you’
Find out more about RE:ACT here.