Nissan Service Plan Frequently Asked Questions
You may be wondering why would you buy a Nissan Service plan or what are the benefits. We’ve answered many of our customer’s questions about Service Plans below.
Service plans come with:
Roadside Assistance worth £123
10% off Nissan parts, accessories and repairs
As a service plan customer, when you come into your nearest West Way garage for a service you benefit from the below:
Free courtesy car
Free collection and delivery
While you wait appointments
Free wash & vac
As a customer, you can tailor how many services you want, whether you want to add an MOT so there’s no “fixed” standard plan. All our plans are tailored to meet our customer’s needs.
How Much Does A Nissan Service Plan Cost?
We aren’t able to give model-specific cost’s. We need to take into account many factors when building your Nissan service plan. What we have done is provide some stats from 2019 to give you a good idea on how much a Nissan service plan costs:
2 services over 20 payments at an average cost of £16.94 per month
3 services over 32 payments at an average cost of £17.45 per month
4 services over 44 payments at an average cost of £17.85 per month
Is An Annual MOT Included In My Nissan Service Plan?
An annual MOT is not included in the Nissan Service Plan. But we can build an MOT into your plan for you. Rolling all your motoring maintenance costs into one payment bundle. This is then spread across a monthly repayment plan. This way all you have to do is book your car in for an MOT at the nearest Nissan garage.
What Is A Nissan Service Plan?
A Nissan Service Plan allows you to spread the cost of your regular service on your vehicle. Instead of paying a one-off lump sum when taking your car into a Nissan garage for a service. You can spread this across 12 monthly payments as shown above.
Is It Worth Buying A Nissan Service Plan?
If you are a person that doesn’t like surprises when it comes to money, such as a big bill to service your Nissan. You may want to consider a service plan. This way you can set a monthly direct debit as you might do for your car insurance and road tax. It will ease the stress of maintaining a vehicle and you’ll be able to keep an easy track on your finances.