Driving home for Christmas
14 December 2016

Driving home for Christmas

Christmas can be one of the most wonderful times of the year, visiting family, exchanging gifts, de...
Christmas can be one of the most wonderful times of the year, visiting family, exchanging gifts, decorating the tree, oh and let’s not forget the year supply of chocolate boxes you’re about to receive in the next few days.  But I’m sure you’ll all agree it can be also one of the most stressful times as well– especially on the road. To make the long journey bearable, here are our top 5 tips!

1.Car Checks

This may be not the most exciting tip, but it is one of the most important. Before you start your Christmas journey be prepared!

Scar singing 'Be prepared'  for driving at christmas

Check your tyre pressure and tread – better to even bring a spare tyre if you can to be on the safe side. Make sure your car fluids are topped up and the lights are working properly. Check out our Winter has Arrived blog to help get your car in top tip condition.

2. Sat Nav

Picture this: Your partner tells you to turn right, but you turn left. The kids are asking ‘Are we there yet?’ And now you’ve taken the 3rd wrong turn and it’s only an hour into your journey. To reduce the frustration and squabbles make sure you have a Sat Nav. Make the journey easier on yourself, so all you have to do is focus on driving.

nissan satnav so youre ready to drive at christmas

3. Bring snacks!

There’s nothing worse than a 3-hour journey without snacks. Not only will it keep your energy levels up, but it’s never fun when the hunger pains kick in and your stomach starts to growl louder than the engine. No one’s nice when they’re hungry; let’s just avoid the ‘Hangry’ stage whether it’s the driver, passenger or kids.

dont get hangry when driving home for christmas

4. Take a break

Eating isn’t the only way to maintain energy levels, it’s important you have a break. When you’re driving it’s recommended every 2 hours you take a 15mins break. Give yourself a chance to move around, stretch your legs and refocus. Trying to do a more than a2 hour drive in one go can do more damage than good. It’s more important to be safe on the road!

driving home for christmas make sure you take a nap

5. It's Karaoke time!

What makes time pass quicker? Music! Listening to a few songs is a sure way to make the time pass quicker. Before you know it 10 minutes has gone by and your only 3 songs into your playlist! You could also try audio books to break up the time. Who can resist a sing-along?

Karaoke time is great when driving long journeys

Whether it’s an hour or a 4-hour journey it will all be worth it in the end when you finally arrive home for Christmas.

driving home for christmas

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