Darren's Sepsis Story
19 July 2019

Darren's Sepsis Story

Don't forget to put on some red on the 19th July to help raise awareness for The UK Sepsis Trust. Awareness saves lives, therefore we are helping to raise awareness by telling the story of Darren Chesterman, who tragically lost his life to the condition.

Darren was born with cerebral palsy and learning difficulties but did that stop him…. not at all. For 35 years he was the big brother, the perfect son and the best uncle. Darren Chesterman’s Sepsis tragedy began in May 2017. Darren had been unwell during May and was admitted to A&E after having several TIAs (transient ischemic attacks or mini-strokes), after spending a few days on a stroke ward he was discharged.

 darren blist hill

However, Darren then started to experience dizzy spells, sickness and abdominal pains. A few days later he started vomiting intensively, but it didn’t stop, and by midday his Mother Gill phoned her local GP to express her concerns. The GP visited shortly after the phone call and shared her concerns with Gill and phoned an ambulance for Darren to be taken to A&E at Walsall Manor Hospital. He was given treatment for a major infection and received a broad spectrum of antibiotics and intravenous fluids.
Darren was then diagnosed with a cerebellar infarction a subtype of the ischemic stroke and was moved to the stroke ward. 

Unfortunately, severe Sepsis set in, and Darren suffered from multiple organ failure. He passed away on the 18th May aged 35. Darren is missed every day by his family, and his death has left a huge gap in their lives. Darren was a valued customer to West Way and ‘he loved nothing better than to sit in the front with me [his Mum] and have Smooth radio on or one of his many CD’s’, and unfortunately, stories like this are far too common. There were 44,000 deaths because of Sepsis last year, each one leaving a hole in their family’s lives. The important thing to remember about sepsis is that it can be treatable, and doesn’t have to be a death sentence. TIME is the most important asset you have when it comes to fighting sepsis. For patients with septic shock, the most severe form of sepsis, there is an 8% increase in mortality for every hour of delay in antibiotic administration. Sepsis if left untreated can progress to severe sepsis which has a mortality rate of 30% and septic shock which has a mortality rate of 50%.

We need to raise awareness of Sepsis to stop unnecessary deaths and heartache for the families affected. Sepsis spreads quickly but if diagnosed soon enough it can be treated. That’s why Gill is making it her mission to help raise awareness of Sepsis, so that more people know the dangers of Sepsis and how fast it spreads. Therefore, West Way are supporting Sepsis Trust and Gill in raising awareness so that more lives can be saved.


Slurred speech or confusion

Extreme shivering or muscle pain

Passing no urine (in a day)

Severe breathlessness

It feels like you're going to die

Skin mottled or discoloured.

For more information visit the Sepsis Trust website here - https://sepsistrust.org/ and remember, Just Ask: Could it be Sepsis?

darren blist hill