Armed Forces Week
In a normal year, our armed forces will be away from their homes and loved ones for long periods of time serving our country however the last twelve months have been different for everyone. This is no different for our armed forces, they have been out helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic ranging from driving ambulances, airlifting medical supplies, and even building NHS Nightingale hospitals. As well as this our Armed Forces qualified Doctors and Nurses have been fighting this pandemic on the front line helping our amazing NHS workers.
As well as this our Reservists and Regulars have found themselves supporting the government’s response to COVID-19 including logistical planners supporting councils rolling out testing programs, drivers, engineers, and musicians who have been deployed to support testing sites, and many more. Our Armed Forces also had a big hand in transporting supplies such as COVID tests, PPE, and vaccines from places like the Caribbean, Ascension Islands, and Falkland Islands as well as bringing stranded brits from abroad back home.
If you also want to support our Armed Forces during Armed Forces week here are three big dates to keep an eye on:
- Monday June 21 – Armed Forces Flag Day
This is the day that the armed forces flag is first raised on buildings and famous landmarks around the country. If you would like to show your support for the Armed Forces salute your flag and share it on social media with the hashtag #SaluteOurForces
- Wednesday June 23 – Reserves Day
Our reserves are a vital part of our Armed Forces. These men and women balance a civilian life with a military career and ensure that once they are called upon, they are ready to serve. If you are a reserve yourself, we would love to see your uniform, medals, caps or regimental blazers by posting them on social media using the hashtag #ReserveDay.
- Saturday June 26 – Armed Forces Day
Although COVID-19 may still be affecting the Armed Forces Day events there are still many local events available to go and show your support for our hardworking Armed Forces. Click here to find your local event.
If you can't make it to an event you could still show your support by sending us a photo or video of yourself or your friends and colleagues saluting on social media with the hashtag #SaluteOurForces.