West Way team meets new AW Rostamani owners
21 November 2022

West Way team meets new AW Rostamani owners

Following the recent acquisition of West Way, a team of employee's from West Way's northwest dealerships had the opportunity to meet new owners and key members of the AW Rostamani Group team.

After announcing earlier this month that global Nissan partner AW Rostamani group had acquired nine West Way dealer sites, West Way staff were pleased to welcome the team from AW Rostamani Group who’s visit included a meet and greet and tours around the Manchester and Altrincham dealerships.

Mr Khalid Al Rostamani and Dr Amina Al Rostamani, alongside a number of their key staff, were greeted at our Manchester dealership and given a warm welcome, as members of the West Way staff had the opportunity to speak with them and have their questions answered whilst learning more about AW Rostamani Group and any future plans for the West Way Group.

From Manchester, our guests then travelled to our Altrincham dealership, where they had the opportunity to  speak with employees about past and present developments within West Way, such as our on-going approach to being a paperless business.

Nissan also invited Mr Khalid Al Rostamani and Dr Amina Al Rostamani and the team to their Maple Cross head quarters, where they were greeted by Andrew Humberstone, Managing Director and Jordi Vila, Divisional Vice President Sales & Marketing from Nissan Europe alongside Nissan UK Directors.

West Way’s Managing Director, Jon Roberts, had this to say on AW Rostamani Group’s recent visit: Our staff at our Manchester and Altrincham sites were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet key members from AWR and provided a warm welcome, which was reciprocated by AWR. It was a day full of questions, insight and getting to know each other a little better as we move into an exciting new future together.