Weird Driving Laws Around the World
05 June 2015

Weird Driving Laws Around the World

As Brits, we think it’s weird enough just having to drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road every tim...
As Brits, we think it’s weird enough just having to drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road every time we’re abroad. However, some countries take weird from A to B and all the way back again. Here’s West Way’s top 15 more improbable driving rules and regulations from around the planet. DRIVING LAWS - In Alaska, it is illegal to have your dog sit on the roof of your car while you drive. No doubt that’s because the freezing weather is likely to turn your pooch into a brass monkey. Have you ever seen a dog sitting on the roof of a car anyway? - Next up is Spain where, in certain cities, you have to park your vehicle on the unevenly numbered side of the road on uneven days of the month. Better keep an eye on the calendar! - Thought it couldn’t get worse? You can’t wash your car on a Sunday in Switzerland. - An unoccupied car in California must not exceed 60mpg. Because 59’s fine, obviously. - Block your own driveway in Montreal and the Mounties will be round post-haste. - Take care while driving around Switzerland – because pedestrians have right of way. - Japanese passengers can be prosecuted for riding in a car with a drunk-driver. - In Cyprus, fist-shaking, flipping the bird and other such gestures are all against the law. - Finally, a little-known bylaw from Alabama where, you’ll be glad to know, it’s illegal to drive while blindfolded. - And how about Beijing? Don’t stop at a pedestrian crossing or you could be hit with a fine. - Let’s pop over to Denmark, where motorists are legally obliged to practically give their car a full MOT before every journey – checking lights, brakes, steering and the horn. Bizarre. - Things are a little more relaxed in Costa Rica, where you’re allowed to drink alcohol while behind the wheel, provided you don’t exceed the rather low alcohol threshold, in which case you’ll end up in prison. - In Cyprus, drinking anything at all while driving is against the law. Or eating. Oh well, at least you won’t be picking grated cheese out of the upholstery when you clean it. - We notice that you must clean your car in Russia or face a 2000-ruble fine. I guess they’ll never be any vans like this on the road. dirty-van - In Germany, it’s illegal to run out of fuel on the autobahn. - Short-sighted Spanish people must always carry a spare pair of glasses in their car. - In Sweden as any Volvo or Saab owner will testify, must keep their headlights on at all times. - In France, you must drive with your own breathaliser kit in the glovebox.   There’s none of this nonsense at West Way. Just honest advice, great service and top deals. Pop in to test drive any of Nissan’s great range at our dealerships.